Website Copywriting Services

Bespoke, Optimized website copy for your brand

In today's ultra-competitive business world, pretty words on a page just won't cut it. Data-driven copywriting is all about looking at what's working and what isn't.

Analysing what your competitors are doing - then doing it better.

Getting into your audience's heads, figuring out what makes them tick - and giving them it. 

I'm Hannah O'Neill, an experienced and passionate freelance website copywriter. I can help you develop original, thought-provoking copy that sets your brand apart and helps you achieve your business goals. 

200 Happy Clients


Proven Results


Copywriting that aligns with your vision


200 Happy Clients 〰️ Proven Results 〰️ Copywriting that aligns with your vision 〰️

Is your website costing more money than it's making?

Your website looks good and sounds good, but you just can't get over that final hurdle. The one where people visit, stick around and eventually give you their business. 

You don't know how to excite your audience and make your product/service irresistible. There has to be a better way, but you need to figure out what it is. 

Do any of these ring a bell? 

  • You're spending way too much time trying to find leads and not enough time enjoying the spoils of your hard work. 

  • You found a cheap copywriter and now have generic website copy that doesn't do anything for your brand. 

  • You look at your website and think it seems OK, but there's just something missing. 

  • You know what you want to achieve but aren't sure how to do it. 

  • It's a constant struggle to set yourself apart from competitors and show the world what you're all about. 

The solution? Investing in a professional website copywriter 

As a conversion-focused website copywriter, I know that words aren't enough. You need a dynamic strategy, a clear USP, and an audience who knows you get them. 

Professional copywriting isn't about making things sound nice; it's a proven marketing strategy that eliminates doubt and helps you reach your goals. 

I've been doing this for over eight years, and I develop tailored copywriting strategies for my clients that deliver on all bases. 

I will: 

  • Give you the organic presence you deserve. 

  • Help you define and convey a USP that gets your target audience excited. 

  • Develop a message and branding strategy that aligns with who you want to be. 

  • Help you save money on PPC and lead acquisition. 

  • Combine creativity with SEO to ensure nothing holds you back.

It's all about the strategy 

Website copywriting alone isn't enough. Yep, I said it. You could have the most original, funny, awe-inspiring copy the world's ever seen—but strategy = success

My data-driven approach leaves no stone unturned, diving deep into your industry and gathering valuable insights. Failing to collect the right information basically means you're writing blind with no real idea of where you're going. 

So, give yourself a break and outsource copywriting to a professional. 

Target audience research

People don't want cheesy sales talk and empty promises anymore; they crave authenticity. My strategy involves getting to know your audience and rooting myself in their deepest desires. 

Whether looking at competitor reviews, hanging out in forums or asking them directly, research is key to understanding what makes your audience tick. 

Once I have this information, I can tailor your website copy to answer their questions, address pain points and make your proposition irresistible. 

Clear objectives & strategy

You wouldn't get in a car and drive blindfolded - but I see many people doing this with their marketing strategy. Setting clear objectives helps me tailor my approach to give you results and gives you peace of mind. 

You'll know what we're working towards and enjoy absolute transparency. Web copy without SEO is like a home without an address.

I combine creativity with strategy to ensure a website powered up for search engines - without compromising readability and user experience. 

The competitive edge

Audiences want to know who they're investing in, so it's essential to maintain a consistent brand voice. Your social media, website copy, emails, and advertising must align. 

I'll help you by either aligning my writing to your existing identity or helping you develop an authentic voice that aligns with who you are. 

By highlighting your value proposition and ensuring your message is clear, your audience will trust you - but the competition will fear you.

Here's what my clients have to say about working with me

  • "Hannah consistently delivered high-quality content that exceeded our expectations. Her writing was well-researched and articulate, displaying a unique flair that made our projects stand out. She has an innate ability to craft compelling narratives, whether it's for marketing materials, blog posts, or technical documentation. I wholeheartedly recommend Hannah to anyone seeking a talented and dependable writer. She will continue to thrive in her writing career and be an invaluable addition to any team fortunate enough to have her."

    Peter Filippelli - Clickstar Marketing

  • "I highly recommend Hannah for SEO content writing. We've been working together since March, and her work is always on time, thorough and meets the brief exceptionally well. She is a pleasure to work with!"

    Frances Campbell - Guider

  • "Hannah is a fantastic writer with a strong understanding of optimising copy for SEO. She has written a number of articles for us and every time; they were completed promptly and to a high standard, meeting the brief each time and incorporating all the keyword variations we wanted. I would highly recommend Hannah for any writing tasks."

    Joshua Fetcher - Candidly

Case Study

In 2018, I was asked to provide an organic meal delivery company with website copywriting and a content strategy to showcase the importance of organic food. 

With so many services in the UK, the strategy would need to highlight the USP and deliver a plan that provided the company with realistic growth. 

Focusing on the health benefits of organic food and the convenience of meal delivery, I created content that resonated with audience members and displayed the owner's commitment to health and nutrition. 

The project lasted six months, and I managed to help them go from not even ranking to reaching the first page of Google for their main keywords. 

Unfortunately, the company closed down due to the pandemic, but Skim Organic Meal Delivery enjoyed two years of success and was featured in numerous publications. 

Are you ready to unlock unlimited growth and make a wise investment in website copywriter services?

Your website can be a place to tell people about your business or a powered-up space that turns visitors into loyal customers. With the right copywriting services, you can turn your online presence into an ongoing tool for endless success. 

Working with me couldn't be easier. All you need to do is send me a message, and I'll get back to you. Once I know more about your website and copywriting needs, I'll issue a free, no-obligation quote and get straight to work. 

Please feel free to get in touch today. In just a few minutes, you could be on your way to building a successful brand and reaching your business goals. 


What does a copywriter do?

Copywriters specialise in creating written content for various marketing channels, including advertising, social media and website copy. Our primary role is crafting persuasive text that effectively removes doubts and communicates your brand's message. 

Website copywriters have to ensure our copy maintains originality and engaging features while also focusing on optimisation. The process is complex and requires specialist knowledge. 

However, when done right, it results in more traffic and visitors that turn into customers. 

Why outsource copywriting to you?

Great copywriting is both an art form and a professional skill. Sure, many people can write - but that doesn't mean they know how to connect with your audience and strike the right balance between originality and strategy. 

I've worked with clients in all niches, helping them move up the search engine results page and grow a successful business. Unless you're an expert, investing in website copywriter services is best, as professionals like myself can give you a long-term strategy.

Where are your copywriting services available? 

I'm a Northamptonshire-based copywriter who offers services across the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and Ireland. 

Is copywriting worth it?

Absolutely. Copywriting can speak for your brand, saving you time and money on lead generation. When you secure an organic presence, people will naturally come to your website, giving you a great chance to turn them into customers. 

Research shows that copywriting can save businesses £1000s on more expensive marketing techniques - but only if a professional handles the project. 

Once you solidify your brand's message, it's easier to resonate with your audience and gain a stronghold in your industry. 

How much does your website copywriting service cost?

I pride myself on offering a cost-effective service for clients - but I'm not cheap. While cheap writers seem like a good idea, they lack the expertise to give you a solid online presence. 

You might save money initially, but you'll spend more in the long run. Once I learn about your website and goals, I'll generate a free quote so you'll know exactly how much my copywriting service costs. 

In general, I charge £25 an hour, and will issue a quote based on the hours it will take me to complete the project.