Content Writing Services

For brands who dare to be unique. 

All businesses face the same problem: getting people to their websites. Sure, people might click on your site, but traffic without conversions is like a shop with no sales. 

As a highly experienced content writer and certified SEO specialist, services give you the opportunity to make some noise without lifting a finger. 

Optimised for search engines and tailored to answer your audience's deepest desires, I'll help you position yourself as a force to be reckoned with. 

White and blue rocket

Short on time? Sick of second-guessing? Achieve more with a freelance content writer 

Great content is key to getting your audience to stick around - but competition means everything you create must serve a purpose. It takes a lot of time and effort to win with content marketing - but the results justify the investment. 

You're probably sick of wading through a pool of freelancers and agencies, trying to find someone who gets what you're all about. 

You may have tried creating content for your website but can't find the time. 

As a freelance copywriter, I help clients streamline their content output and form lasting relationships with target audiences. 

Unique tailored content 

I write for your audience and align everything with how you want your brand to come across. From helping you develop an authentic voice to positioning you as an industry authority, my content guarantees results. 

97.8% 5-star reviews

I've been doing this for a long time and have built a reputation as a professional content writer who will always go out of her way. Since 2016, I've provided hundreds of clients with compelling content, and my reviews speak for themselves. 

No AI 

I don't believe in AI and want my clients to have 100% unique content that is truly bespoke to their brand. For that reason, I don't use Artificial Intelligence and will continue to ditch the robots in favour of human creativity. 

Choose between a range of SEO content writing services

  • Blog writing services

    When it comes to my blog writing services, UK businesses can take advantage of a professional approach to content creation. The days of keyword stuffing and prioritising quantity over quality are long gone. Today, it's all about reader experience.

    I create content that keeps the search engines happy and your readers returning for more. Using a combination of strategy and creativity, you'll get blog posts that show the world what you're all about.

  • Long-form content writing services

    Long-form content is a valuable addition to any marketing strategy. It helps with your SEO and provides users with the best possible experience while positioning your brand as an industry authority.

    Whether whitepapers, guides, eBooks or anything else, my long-form content writing services take the stress away from you. I'll handle the writing, and you can enjoy watching your brand gain more authority.

  • Short-form content writing services

    OK, long-form content might achieve more in terms of SEO, but short-form content is still a powerful tool. When done right, it can engage readers and provide them with concise information that both entertains and informs.

    I'll create short-form blog posts that engage your readers and align with your brand's voice. Whether you're catering for a younger audience or want to ensure mobile users can find their place with you, my short-form writing services cement your authority.

Why hire a content writer?

Any content marketing strategy is an investment, but it's a worthy one. However, creating and publishing content is more effective - and cheaper - than PPC or many other marketing methods. 

Many brands choose to go it alone, and that's fine—if you have the time and in-house talent to streamline content creation. However, many small to medium businesses don't, and that's where content writers come in. 

Going through an agency will lock you into non-negotiable retainers, but as a freelance content writer, I offer a unique service where you're fully in control. 

  • Search engine optimisation is a crucial component of any content marketing strategy. If people can't find your content, there's no point in spending so much time writing it.

    As an experienced content writer and SEO specialist, I create content for your audience but also make sure the search engines are happy.

  • We professionals know that our writing must be tailored to specific audiences. From developing an authentic tone of voice to finding the right writing style, everything we do is for your audience.

    I've written for various demographics and go out of my way to ensure everything I create speaks to a specific audience.

  • Consistently creating and delivering content can be time-consuming, but outsourcing your content writing needs to a professional removes the stress. You don't have to worry about strategy or finding the time to write because I do it for you.

    Many of my clients find the small investment in my content writing services enables them to focus on other business areas, increasing profits.

  • I look at content writing like a puzzle with three vital pieces:

    Creative content must speak to your audience.

    The content must align with Google's ranking criteria.

    There must be consistency in both publishing and brand voice.

    Following this approach means getting the conversion rates you deserve and enjoying a healthy return on investment.

Take advantage of cost-effective, professional content writing 

My mission is to create awe-inspiring content without costing you the earth. Yes, you can visit a content mill or find a cheap foreign writer, but they usually rush content and don't think about the strategy behind it. 

Simply put, you're paying for words on a page, but that's all. My services are cost-effective and secure you the results you deserve. 

You can also choose from a range of packages, depending on your needs. 

1 x Long-Form Blog Post - £70

  • 2000 Words 

  • Keyword Research 

  • Editing 

  • Canva Pro Images 

1 x Short-Form Blog Post - £20

  • 600 Words 

  • Keyword Research 

  • Editing 

  • Canva Pro Images 

1 x eBook - £225 to £400

  • Up to 10,000 Words 

  • Editing and Proofreading 

  • Cover Design 

  • Blurb 

Want to streamline your content output? Get me on a zero-obligation monthly retainer 

While many agencies ask you to sign a contract, my retainers are flexible and work on a rolling monthly contract. 

All you need to do is choose the right package for your needs and enjoy the hassle-free way to keep your website fresh with consistent, high-quality content. 

Grow Package - £200 

  • 4 x 500 Words 

  • 4 x 1200 Words 

  • Keyword Research 

  • Editing 

  • Canva Pro Images 

Scale Package - £290

  • 6 x 500 Words 

  • 4 x 1500 Words 

  • Keyword Research

  • Editing 

  • Canva Pro Images 

Dominate Package - £550 

  • 6 x 500 Words 

  • 1 x 1500 Words 

  • 3 x 2000 Words 

  • Keyword Research 

  • Editing 

  • Canva Pro Images 

Case Study

In 2020, I was asked to handle the copywriting and content strategy for a unique website design company. Previous to my intervention, the site wasn't ranking on the SERPs and required a dynamic plan that would entertain readers. 

I focused on highlighting the dangers of bad website design and developed a content strategy that emphasised Zapp's importance for emerging brands. The project lasted for five months, and in that time I: 

  • Increased the website's domain authority. 

  • Secured ranking positions with comparison blog posts. 

  • Positioned the website as one that excels in convenient website design. 

Three steps to getting great content for your website:

  • 1: You Order

    Fill in the contact form or contact me directly. Reaching me through LinkedIn or using the contact form is the quickest way to get in touch with me. I'll reply within a couple of hours and send over a form where you can detail your content requirements.

  • 2: I Create

    Whether you have topics in mind of want me to research, I’m happy to help. I'll follow your instructions and create the content. Then, I'll send it over to you once it is complete. for review.

  • 3: You Review

    You can review the content and ask for any changes. I’m always open to making revisions. Once you're happy, it's yours to publish and share with audiences. It’s that easy.

Ready to let the world know what you're all about?

Working with me gives you access to 100% original, high-quality content that sets your brand apart. With AI growing in popularity, you can go against the grain and give readers what they want: a unique perspective. 

As a freelance copywriter, I can help you build on your marketing strategy and enjoy success. Please feel free to get in touch today. I look forward to working with you. 


  • Both have their benefits, and I always recommend having a mixture. While short-form content can entertain readers, long-form is often more informative and can help you establish authority as a brand.

  • You need a consistent strategy to succeed with content writing, but many businesses don't realise how much work goes into creating and deploying one. Outsourcing your content to me means you can focus on other business areas.

  • Writers and agencies that charge 1 or 2p a word don't have the specialist skills to create content that generates results. If you just want some words on a page, choosing them is fine.

    However, if you want to see growth and become a brand that target audiences' respect, it's best to leave your writing needs to the professionals.

  • I don't cut any corners, but I still have a very good turnaround time. In most cases, I'll complete a 500-word blog post in 24 hours and a 1500 post in 48. If you choose a zero-obligation retainer, you'll get content consistently delivered throughout the month.